Saturday, October 23, 2010

Following My Passion October 23, 2010

Okay I decided to work on another blog. I'm still going to keep my exercise blog going as well but I decide to start another one that reflected one of my passions. I'm going to write my own entertainment reviews and post them. Over the years I've had people say I should have been a movie critic. Well isn't almost everyone a movie critic these days? So I decided to do my own and share them with my friends and family. I'm going to write my critiques of movies, tv shows, and books that I've seen or read. Or even revisit some that I've experienced. So hopefully some of you will join me on this journey and post a comment now and then. There will be no regularly time that I post, just when I see something new or the time seems right.

Since this is the Halloween season I'm going to start by giving you my top 10 favorite horror movies. Not necessarily the ones I think are the scariest, just my favorites. Now some people put Jaws in this category but that is an adventure film to me so I will not include it here. Here is my list of films I feel fit into the horror category:

1. The Exorcist (Original Version)-Nothing really comes close for me. What was achieved using make up and good old movie magic (no CGI) was quite impressive. While the visuals help scare you it's the whole good vs. evil aspect, the question of faith, and the fear as parents of our children and the unknown that gets you.

The rest in no particular order:
28 Days Later-First time I saw a movie with fast zombies. The movie kept me on edge from start to finish.

1408-I loved this movie. The whole haunted room, no way out, mind trip. John Cusack was brilliant in a film in which he spent most of the time alone. This movie has as many detractors as fans but, for me, in was an awesome departure from all the torture horror that is released now.

Rosemary's Baby-An all time classic. Horror in the daytime. Is there a witches' cult or just paranoia? Creepy, suspenseful, relatively gore free. Mia Farrow is perfectly cast as Rosemary. One cannot help but feel protective for this small frail waif, trapped in a satanic web with no way out. This one hangs with you long after it's over and has more than stood the test of time.

Nightmare on Elm Street-A world that didn't have to play by any rules since dreams don't have to make sense. Terrifying since anything is possible in a dream. Introduced horror icon Freddie Krueger before he became comic relief. Favorite scene is Johnny Depp getting eaten by the bed.

Carrie-I initially thought that Carrie was more sad than scary until I stopped to think of how some kids are so bullied and pushed to the edge. Plus best horror film ending ever!

Night of the Living Dead-Another classic that has stood the test of time. The low budget and black and white photography gives the whole film a documentary feel. This one is fun to watch late at night in the fall when the house is quiet except for the wind blowing outside. They're coming to get you Barbra!

The Birds-I was pretty young when I saw this on NBC's Saturday Night at the Movies. I can still remember the green giant commercials being a relief to break up the tension. One of the greatest things about this movie is there is no explanation as to why the birds are attacking. Sometimes evil is just evil. Nowadays the special effects seem quite dated but the film still packs quite a wallop the first time you see it. I was finally able to see The Birds on the big screen a couple years ago and it plays far scarier than it does on television.

Frailty-This is one of those movies that was missed by alot of people. The story of a nice, ordinary religious man who one night gets a visit from an angel with a mission from God. He receives a list of people who are inhabited by demons and must destroy them. He has 2 young sons that he has help carry out his mission. One sees him as evil, the other as a hero. This was a small film the came and went pretty quickly but it is well worth a look if you haven't seen it.

Halloween (Original Version)-Great suspense film with very little blood or gore. I saw this at a sneak preview in the fall of 1978. When the film started, with the music playing and the shot of the jack-o-lantern during the credits the audience was laughing and ready for a good time. They got it. I've never been at a film with so much screaming. The film really grabbed the audience and never let go until it was over. I'm not sure it let go then. This film really holds up. Totally.

There are so many horror movies I didn't get to mention here but it's late. Drop a comment listing some of your favorites for the Halloween season. Maybe I'll find a new favorite to add to my list of must sees!



  1. Finally a movie reviewer I can trust!

    Great Job!

  2. Hi Roger, Last horror movie I saw was Halloween on my first date with Helmut (right about now 28 years ago). Actually a group of us went to it because it was a cheap, on campus movie. Pretty sure that Lynne and Gary were there. You too? Fun night, good memory, but no horror movies in my life since. :)
